Dev Log #2 Card Editor

Card Editor

Interactable Cards are the most crucial element in our game, which necessitates an effective tool to create various types of cards and assign unique functionalities to them. To achieve this goal, I decided to use Scriptable Objects to carry all the settings and unique characteristics of each card, and I named it “Card Instance”.

With this approach, when every card is Instantiated in the game, it will load the relevant scripts and data through its designated Instance.

To facilitate our designers in creating and editing each card, I utilized Unity’s Inspector Extension feature to build a card editor. When a designer selects a unique Card Instance Object after creating, the Inspector will display an editable interface. It allows designers to efficiently adjust and fine-tune card attributes and functionalities directly within the Unity environment.

Designers can access all information related to a card in this interface and delve into more detailed data by clicking on the titles of folded sections.

Among these settings, the ‘Card Feature Setting’ is particularly noteworthy. We use Features to define the uniqueness of each card. I’ll discuss this aspect in more detail in the next development log.

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